Flash (whiz-bang) Fiction Photo Prompt #3

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Flash Fiction, For Fun, photography, writing

On the Writer’s Digest blogSite, William Highsmith describes some specifics as he quotes two other authors in a Frequently Asked Question article about flash fiction:

As five-time Hugo Award–winner Mike Resnick says, “Brevity is not just the soul of wit; it is damned hard work.”

And here is Hemingway’s often-cited six-word story: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Can you help but wonder about the parents and what happened to the baby? Strive for that kind of big impact in a small package.






Whatever floats yer boat.

750 words or less.



This week’s photo prompt image:



  1. You may “borrow” it to your site.
  2. Write a little ditty there.
  3. Within a week (Lord willing and the creeks don’t rise), I’ll post my piece hereabouts.
  4. You can link yours in the comment box.
  5. Or, if you prefer, you can write yours in smack-dab in the comment box.




Here are the previous Flash Fiction results:

#1 SimplyDarlene & Into the Wild // EricaHale & On the Dock

#2 SimplyDarlene & Hearts on Skin // GlynnYoung & Tea and Cake

One thought on “Flash (whiz-bang) Fiction Photo Prompt #3”

  1. Pingback: Flash (whiz-bang) Fiction Photo Prompt #3: Toasted | SimplyDarlene

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