A Christian Woman’s Stance on Firearms (4-part series)


I wrote this series to give my perspective, as a woman, a Christian woman, on the politically and socially hot topic of firearms.


A lot of my friends have been silent on the issue of gun control. I have not. It is not in my nature be silent when I think Goliath is at work. I have not jumped into a bowl of gun-slinging ballyhoo, nor have I taken a swan dive off the deep end of my sanity. I speak plain, do research, share facts and encourage others to take action — even if doing so means I smear my heart all over the page.


1. A Christian Woman’s Stance on Firearms

(Part 1: Inanimate Objects)


2. A Christian Woman’s Stance on Firearms

(Part 2: The Morality of Self-Defense)


3. A Christian Woman’s Stance on Firearms

(Part 3: Is Gun-Free Where Ya Wanna Be?)


4. A Christian Woman’s Stance on Firearms

(Part 4: An Open Letter to My Legislators) 







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