A Call to Act: Parental Rights Amendment

editorial, faith, One Nation Under God


Silence in the face of evil

is itself evil

God will not hold us guiltless. 

Not to speak is to speak. 

Not to act  

is to act.

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)


In the next couple o’ days the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA) will be introduced in both the House (via Representative Trent Franks) and Senate (via Senator DeMint). Folks, if you read only one of my pieces all the way through, let it be this one. I reckon if you care about children, their future, and your God-given parental authority over your kiddos, you will not only read on, but you will be moved to take action. 


I’ve spent almost an entire year researching and following the developments in this matter. I believe right NOW is the prime time to get the word out. So, here ya go, but first, let us begin with a prayer.  Father God, bless each person reading this today and I ask that you give us wisdom and discernment to do what is right in Your eyes. Help us to focus on You. Lead us to act in ways that reflect Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen..


Despite a fictitiously fanciful ideal that some bureaucrats continue to tout, and in opposition to the popularity of a couple of books (It Takes A Village and It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us), it does not take a village to raise a child, nor does it take an intrusive, meddling foreign entity like the United Nations (UN) to tell American moms and dads how to raise their children.


Perhaps at the sound of such whimsical village-ish statements, fairytale images of wide open doors, apron-clad women, and oodles of playful kids flash across your mental screen. If that’s the case, your dream is about to become a nightmare. Unfortunately many have already fallen into the global it-takes-a-village trap and have adopted the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Such countries around the world now live with the horrors of allowing their children to be raised by an invasive and overstepping foreign entity.


Instead of allowing parents to raise their children in a manner that they see fit, these countries willfully have come under the authority to be strong-armed by an international governing agency. And rather than nurturing, instilling, and passing on their family’s values to their kids, parents have effectively be relegated to the position of a government-managed caretaker. Make no mistake, the UN monitors, implements, and mandates new laws; they set new precedents on how moms and dads are allowed to influence their children.


Sadly, this is already a reality in several countries. For example, in Sweden, a parent cannot spank their child’s behind, slap their hand, or send them to their room for a time-out. What about a slap to an unknowing hand that is about to touch a hot stove or stick a finger into an electric outlet? It’s been determined that a curious toddler would somehow fare better from being burned or electrocuted than be subjected to a slap of warning. Spare the rod, negotiate with the child, apparently is the new parenting motto in Sweden. Also, in their scholastic arena, sex education is mandatory. No exception. No exemptions. Your beliefs, your parental philosophies, and your religion don’t mean a thing.


Italy finds children living off of their parents. Indefinitely. By law, parents have to financially support their children until they find a job that suites their fancy. A young man can attend college, graduate from law school and receive countless job offers, but he has no motivation to accept one because ma and pa are legally bound to provide for him until he desires otherwise. In another Italian CRC child-rearing matter, the courts ordered parents to change their child’s name because it was the same as a villain’s name in a classic novel published in 1719.


Kids in the Netherlands sure do enjoy a lot of footloose and fancy-free freedom. Their sex-education curriculum starts at age four, before some kids even stop wetting the bed, and the age of consent is a mere twelve years old. Isn’t it nifty that boys who cannot even pee in the toilet are instructed in the ways of the birds and bees and girls who may have not even opened the door of puberty can willfully choose to bed down with a grown man? The legal age to smoke is sixteen and pot is available for purchase next-door to some school buildings. Child-centered rearing has taken on a new and dangerous meaning in that country.


Perhaps the most disturbing examples of the nightmarish implications of the CRC are found in Belgian where for the past nine years, doctors have been given free reign to terminate the lives of babies from birth to twelve months old. Imagine, your daughter has already taken her first step and is going to turn one-year-old next week. You’ve already bought the pink dress and ordered the birthday cake but you get a call from the pediatrician. He explains how your daughter’s autism is detrimental to Belgium’s society and then he tells you that he has chosen to end her life. As a loving mom you withhold your consent, but dear parent, it just doesn’t matter. Instead of eating cake at a birthday party, you will be crying tears over a fresh dug grave.


Of the approximate 100,000 babies born each year in that country, 470 will die within twelve months, and more than 200 of those unfortunate deaths will be from “infant assisted suicide.” And almost one fourth of those babes will die in direct opposition to parental wishes.


Alarming, isn’t it? Indeed, the above examples are ridiculous at best and tragically heinous at their worst. Such atrocities are considered prudent and necessary under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Unbeknown to the majority of Americans, the UN is also enticing our government into following their system in raising our children, the very same system that condones and forces baby assisted suicide, even against the wishes of the parents. Those are the very people who are working hard to convince America’s political leaders to adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Basically, if the ratification of the treaty happens, American parents will cease to hold their God-given authority over their own children.


Ah, but this is America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, what do I need to worry about? This nonsense will never happen here; after all, we have the Constitution.


A treaty cannot override America’s Constitution,

if and only if,

the specific matter is explicitly protected within the Constitution.


And contrary to what you may believe, no such protection currently exists. The implied, and all too often taken for granted, rights of parents in these United States of America, hold absolutely no power against a willfully adopted foreign entity. As American moms and dads, currently we have no protection and we hold no authority against the long arm of the law if a treaty like the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is adopted. Nada. None. Zero. Zip.


This is precisely why you need to be involved. Edmond Burke, a British politician, theorist, statesman, orator, and author of the 1700’s, has oftentimes been quoted, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Good people of America, are you willing to sit back and do nothing? Or are you willing to stand up and do all you can to protect your rights as a parent?


Send an email, make a phone call, write a letter or send a fax to your regional, state, and national political representatives regarding this matter. Ask them to join you in support of the Parental Rights Amendment to the Constitution and ask them to join you in opposition against the United Nation’s Rights of the Child.


Contrary to a horribly misguided belief, it does not take a village to raise a child, and it most certainly does not take an international governing agency to tell Americans how to rear their kids.


Raising a child is hard work, some even say it’s the hardest job on earth, but what is harder, raising your kids the way you see fit or standing back and watching a foreign entity do it for you? Here in America, it takes a loving mom and dad to raise a child. Oh yes, it also takes the protection of our Constitution. Please, folks, do get involved before it’s too late.


Children are a gift

from the Lord;

they are a reward from him.

(Psalm 127:3 NIV)


How will you show your appreciation of such gifts?


~ Above facts & examples gleaned from: www.parentalrights.org. Please visit www.parentalrights.org  for more information, including video clips, additional stories, & up-to-date data.

~ Also, while you are there, please sign the petition in support of the Parental Rights Amendment.


* click here for a 3-minute preview for OVERRULED movie


Sweden data

Belgian data

Italy data

Netherlands data


~ Many thanks to my attorney friend and sister-in-Christ who first read this piece a couple of months ago. I really appreciate your encouragement to post it and your keen lawyer-ish eyes in reviewing the correctness of it.



10 thoughts on “A Call to Act: Parental Rights Amendment”

    • You are most welcome, miss Monica. Indeed, it is time for not only you, but for others to check it out.


  1. Darlene,
    Thanks for all the work you did on this- a very worthy cause. We are living in scary times for sure. I will be sure and share this on my facebook page too.

    • Thank you and thank you, sir Jeff. You are right, times are scary, but worse yet is sheer apathy.

      And to stay on my soapbox a minute longer, scarier yet is what sort of questions God will ask us and the answers we will have for Him regarding our doing the best we could with the righteousness we’ve been given.


  2. Thank you for posting this. So many people are entirely unawares of what our government and the UN are trying to accomplish with these policies. Since when does the US answer to the UN?!

    • Miss Jess, thank you for stopping by and for the encouragement. It’s always good to see new faces around these parts. And you are right, so many are not aware. Let’s get the word out, okay?


  3. Hey there, Miss Darlene. Just want you to know I see you out here making this splash, not averting my eyes. 🙂 Just need some time to get a good look at it. I’m hoping to this weekend to read a little more and watch the video you linked. Stay on the stump, my friend.

    • Well, it’s a good thing miss Lyla. I didn’t wanna have to come over to your place with my big ole can o’ whoop. Soap box, stump, roof, whatever it takes.


  4. Hey, lady, stopping by to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. Stopped in earlier too, but like Lyla hadn’t had time to explore the links. Since it’s mom’s day, I have a little time to relax. But…I’m thinking I might spend it elsewhere than with my face in the screen. I’ll try to catch up with all this information ASAP. Love you and your heart.

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